Phytochemistry, Agriculture & Others

  • Threatened weeds of BT cotton field in Nimar region of Madhya Pradesh, Ray S and Sainkhediya J,Asian J of Biosciences 9(1),84-87,2014
  • Certain medicinal plants of Solanaceae and their alkaloids screening ,Thakkar and Ray S Int J Res Med Sc, 2(1)4-6,2014
  • Some aspects of floral biology of Bacopa monnieri,Dubey V, Pawer K and Ray S,Ind.Res. Communication,Vol6(3): 20-24,2012
  • Phytochemical screening of certain aphrodisiac plants used in traditional system of medicine Baghel P nd Ray S, International Journal of Botany studies,5(2),33-36,2017
  • Preliminary phytochemical and anatomical stud of seed and bark of medicinal plants S villosa used as aphrodisiac,Prem S Baghel and Ray S, World j pharmaceutical Science   and life science 4(4)2018
  • Preliminary  phytochemical screening of medicinal plants C bulbosa ,Baghel P S and Ray S,,International  J ot  Botany study ,Vol3(2),87-90,2018
  • Anatomical and phytochemical study of G densiflorum used as aphrodisiac,Baghel Prem and Ray S, world J pharma and life science3(8)99-108,2017
  • Correlation study of different growth and drought parameterof G hirsutum ,Baraiya B,Satya V and RayS , Multilogic in  science ,Vol 7,366-268,2018
  • Genetic evaluation of cotton genotype for drought and yield parameter, Blaram Baraiya, Satya V and Ray S International Journal of Agricultural Science,Vol10(14),6769-6771, 2018