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- Ethnomedicinal plants used by tribals of Dhar district,MPAlawa K and Ray S,CIB Tech J of Pharmaceutical SciencesVol1(2-3),7-15,2012
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- Studies on the ethnomedicinal plants used by tribals of Harda district, MP, Sainkhediya J and Ray S,Vol 3(12),2590-2593,2014
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- Ethnobotany: Some wild vegetable plant used by tribals of Dhar district, MP, Alawa KS and Ray S, Indian Journal Applied Pure Biology,Vol31(1),65-69,2016
- Ethnomedicinal plants and plant parts sold in the local market by herbal healers in Alirajpur district, MP, Chouhan D.S and Ray S ,Indian J of Plant Sciences, Vol 6(1),27-31,2017
- Some plant associated tribal clans of Dhar district ,MP and their role in conservation Bioscience discovery Alawa K and Ray S,9(2)260-263,2018
- Ethnobotanical study of socioeconomic indigenous wine product plants used by tribals of Dhar districts ,MP Alawa K and Ray S, 2019
- Dye yielding plants used by tribals of Dhar district Science Research ,Alawa K and Ray S,Reporter2013,3(1)30-32