Sudip Ray - Professor of Botany, Indore
Welcome to my Personal Website. I’m a Professor of Botany at PMB Gujarati Science College, Indore. This Website summarizes my Research and Teaching activities in the field of Botany, Floristics, Ethnobotany, and Phytochemistry.

I have completed my M.Sc. and a Ph.D. degree in Botany from DAVV, Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

My specialization in MSc. was Angiosperm Taxonomy and obtained a Ph.D. degree in “Floristic studies and biological spectrum of Dewas district, MP” in 1995. I joined as an asst. professor in Botany at PMB Gujarati Science College in 1993. I have completed Orientation, Refresher courses from DAVV, Indore, and BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. I have attended a 10 days workshop on “Herbarium technique” from NISCAIR, New Delhi, and a workshop on “Phytochemical techniques and plant tissue culture from Madras university., Tamil Nadu.

  • Fellow of Association for plant taxonomy (FAPT)
  • Coordinator For Malwa Nimar region nominated by MP State Biodiversity Board, Bhopal

Published Journal

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Certificate of Recognition – gksss

  • Member, Board of studies of Microbiology, Holkar Science College, Indore, MP from 2017 to 2019
  • Nominated in the interview Board of DRC, DAVV for interviewing candidates for admission in Ph.D., Botany for the year 2015